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Furls Crochet Coronavirus Updates

US Warehouse - operational

As of April 9th, our US warehouse is fully operational. Social distancing and rigorous hygiene + safety procedures are enforced. No shipping delays are expected.

In March, the state of California issued a stay-at-home order for the control of COVID-19. This order prohibits the gathering of non-essential retail businesses and gatherings of 10 or more people. Because Furls does not operate a retail location, our warehouse in Los Angeles is not open to the public, and we will not have more than 10 people in our facility, our US warehouse is fully operational for the time being.

All non-warehouse staff are working from home.

UK Warehouse - operational

As of April 9th, our UK Warehouse is fully operational. Social distancing and rigorous hygiene + safety procedures are enforced. No shipping delays are expected.

In March, the United Kingdom issued a stay-at-home order for the control of COVID-19. This order prohibits the gathering of non-essential businesses. Our 3rd party warehousing company in Northampton has been deemed an essential business because: 1) they ship vital products and 2) for every order they ship, they're preventing someone from shopping in person. Furls is fully operational in the UK for the time being. 

Inventory + Restocking Delays

COVID-19's impact on the global supply chain has impeded our ability to get materials, components, and products from our suppliers in normal times.

  We are experiencing restocking delays on the following:

  • Streamline Swirl Galaxy crochet hooks, Andromeda
  • Tunisian crochet hooks

International Shipping

Global shipment carriers are extending shipment times and have suspended delivery to certain countries. Please double check with your carrier before ordering if outside of the UK or US. 

From the US Warehouse:

From the UK Warehouse



Please contact support@furlscrochet.com with any questions or concerns. We're here to help! 

Furls' COVID-19 response, updates, and operations